This is Tibby's entry for Mango Minster 2012 - Adventure Animals
Note to our regular readers: This is a post written by Tibby and there are a lot of pictures/video.
"Hey everydoggie! Mom's letting me write a post on the blog! First time ever! So...last year I was too little to enter the Mango Minster. I was just a little pup. Good thing I didn't enter last year anyway - I hadn't had any adventures! This year I collected up a lot of adventures!
Now I'm not a natural adventure dog, but Mom says new experiences are good for me, so I try......but that means that my little adventures are more adventure (for me) than big adventures for other pups. Did you understand that? *whew* This writing stuff is harder than Mom makes it look!
My favorite adventure is to stick my head out the car window and go for a ride to a new place. I just relax and let the wind take me where ever it wants (or maybe it's Mom taking me where she wants BOL!!).
This year I was brave and had an adventure at the V-E-T. ewwwwww. I didn't even need my Mom! They came to take me in the back and I was like "Let's GO!" Then when I came back to Mom I had some furs missing on my sides where the vetspeoples shaved me. They did some weird things like take x-rays and moving pictures of my heart! It was a BIG adventure!
I went in a canoe! All by myself! BOL!! Just kidding! Mom was there too, but I did all the navigation. She wouldn't let me steer though.....It was an adventure, because people started to shoot at us! Well.....actually it was just fireworks, but it was a BIG adventure!
My biggest newestest adventure was doing this thing called a 'T-ter'. It's kind of scary, but being the adventurer I am I just had to jump on and find out....what treats I could get from it! BOL!!!!
I'm even adventurous in the food I eat. I ate a potato out of the garden. It was crunchy! I almost gave Mom a heart attack though, 'cause she thought it might be bad for me. That was an adventure!
So I was at my agility lesson play time and I saw this BIG mountain! I was like, "Hey mountain I'm an adventurer. Watch out! Here I come!" Gave Mom a small heart attack! 'Course I have to do it at every lesson now....he he he. Maybe she should just teach me the A-frame and then she could stop having heart attacks. Just saying....
I like to find out what's under the dirts in the garden. I dig big holes, but not all the time just when I'm feeling like an adventure! BOL!!!
I rode on a BUS!! THAT was quite the adventure. I even wore a raincoat on the bus BOL!!!
I'm not afraid of any power tools at all. I'll even help you with your work! Please call me for any construction projects xxx-xxx-xxxx! But only if YOU want a big adventure! After all I don't have thumbs - and NO I didn't lose them in a construction adventure!!!
I tried out Flyball. Heeemmmm, it was interesting. I got to eat cheese and there were LOTS of other doggies, BUT they kept taking me away from my Mom! What's up with that!?!? NOT an adventure I wanted. Mooooommmm I want to stay with yoooouuuu!
I like to go on tree climbing adventure! Just to see what is on the other side or if there are any cheese sticks hiding up there. Yum! Cheese!
I'm not afraid to check out scary, creepy, dark sheds. Where there may be mices hiding! Nope not scared at all! Yum. Mices.......*drool*
I'm so adventurous I jumped up in this hammock - just to get my toy and rock around a little. Then I jumped out!
I LOVE to go on adventure hikes! We go all the time, but not enough for me. I would like to go ALL the time. Like I would be super adventurous and LIVE in the forest. But only if I could have my couch in the forest. It's a necessity. I'm so adventurous that I go hiking during hunting season! But Mom made me where some orange stuff, so peoples wouldn't shoot me. She's not very adventurous.....
I'm adventurous enough to get in the ring with a cat! WWF-style smack down action! I even have my own special moves: Smell my fluffy tail! BOL!! I sit on my cat sister face! That is adventurous 'cause did you know cats have TEETH in their faces?!?!
Thanks for reading my post! I hope you think I'm an adventurous pup!
Tibby, your life is a huge you ever sleep? That's all great stuff to show what an Adventure Dog you are.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Your life is one huge adventure Tibby! I think it's better that way!
You are certainly an adventurous doggeh! We loved watching your movies and seeing all those pictures of you doing those brave things! Woo hoo! And it's good to meet you too! We're in the adventure category too - we didn't put a ton of pictures, but wish we had hee hee!
Good luck to you Tibby!
Sammie and Avalon
Tibby, we think you have amazingly BIG adventures! Abby especially loves the kitteh smack down. You are one tough, adventurous little lady. Good luck in the contest.
Jed & Abby
Wow Tibby, you've had a lot of adventures in a short time. We need naps after just reading about them all. Good luck at Mango Minster.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties
Hi Tibby, I'm just stopping by to check out the competition in the Adventure Animals category. Well you have one up on me when it comes to canoeing. My human, Gail, acquired a sea kayak last year and there was NO PLACE FOR ME!
Can you believe it?
Toodle pip!
Bertie (fellow adventure dog).
That canoe ride looks like fun, we sure would like to try that. We thinks you have had lots of adventures and are very brave.
Tibby your life is one big adventure - you got my vote!
Hey, nice to meet you!! Well Tibby, you did very good in all your adventures...except with your sissy the cat. We think she might have been the "top dog" there!!bol. We thought it was sweet that in the one video your mama said she loved your fluffy tail and in your cat video it seems you love your sister cat's tail! Good luck in MM2012.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
Tibby! WE LOVES the bitey face/bitey tail you play with Catty! you are on BRAVE pooch!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva & Truffle too!
For a little guy, you sure have had a lot of adventures. Good luck!
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