Another video for our foundations class with Daisy Peel.
This is what she said: "I think this is actually fine, but don’t be afraid to say good girl, or any other encouraging words
I think this is actually fine, you’re changing your location fairly frequently, and pretty randomly, whether you intended to or not
sometimes, you are on the side, and sometimes, you are on the take off on the side, and that’s good.
The only thing that I might do differently, would be to clearly get myself on either the takeoff side, or the landing side, since standing parallel to the plane of the bar really doesn’t do much of anything in terms of cuing your dog towards one jumping effort or another. It is beginning, when we’re sitting on the ground, we are purposefully sitting parallel to the plaintiff the obstacle, because we’re trying to be in as neutral a position as possible, so as not to cue the dog to do anything other than to offer to take the jump. But, as soon as you stand up, you have to assume you are handling
I also don’t mind you are using the toy right at the end, as long as you can see that she sticks the landing, and is looking down, and as long as you don’t put the toy out there prematurely, which might encourage her to jump hyperextended, if she is looking up expecting the toy to appear.
I actually think this looks good! I might have actually gone that way out even earlier in the training session
And this is what I said, "“I might have actually gone that way out even earlier in the training session”
I think this means get the toy out? I had it out in the middle of the session and it perked her up a lot. You can see me stuff it down my shirt at one point LOL!!
Thanks for telling me that we can talk to the dog – I wasn’t sure about that. I usually talk to her – except when we are shaping something. So I will start talkng to her more. But we are still not supposed to cue the jump yet – right?
I will pick a side of the jump and not stand at the upright any more – I think that was what felt so weird!"
And this is what she said, "Oh yes, sorry about that, stupid dictation software
yes, get the toy out sooner, that’s what I meant
I like the idea of “action cues” – cues that encourage the dog to take action of some sort without being specific about WHAT action. So while I might not say ‘jump’, I might say ‘what are you gonna do?’ or something else silly along those lines – an action cue."
Looking good! I loved her tugging and crazies at the end. :)
Yay, she gets so lively when you get out the toy :)
Is this her final jump height?
- Andreja
What a the blue tubs suppose to be for?
Yup final jump height - 16 inches.
The tubs are a barrier, so the dogs can learn not to jump in extension. And not to fling themselves over the jump. I think! I'll double check with Daisy, because I'm not 100% sure why we are doing it.
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