Friday, December 30, 2011

The Fan Method of Chute Training

I have been trying to teach Tibby to go through the chute for a week now, ever since the UPS man delivered it!  At first she earned her dinner kibble by standing on the chute, then getting into the barrel, then going farther into the barrel and touching the chute, but I couldn't get her to go THROUGH the chute.  Today I tried the "fan method" of chute training.  It works GREAT!!!  Tibby had the chute figured out after only a couple of times through.  Yay!  Smart dog.

All I did was point a fan, so it blew the chute open slightly.


Laura and The Corgi, Toller, & Duck said...

She's running fast too! Is that in your new basement? :)

Helen said...

Good idea to use a fan to keep the chute open. I trained my little female sheltie by having her follow my older sheltie through the chute.

Loretta Mueller said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sagira said...

Way to go Tibby!