Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tibby's Gotcha Day

Today - August 16th - is Tibby's official gotcha day.  All day I have been trying to reconcile myself to the fact that a WHOLE YEAR has gone by.  My 1st year with Tibby is over.  It's sad, but also happy, because we have had a lot of fun adventures.  This time last year I was so excited to get Tibby, but also nervous to have a sweet little puppy to care for.  A puppy that I didn't know at all. 

Just some pictures of Tibby getting comfortable in her new home.  Hee hee hee!  Poor Catty.  Before Tibby came along she didn't know that she needed a doggie sister.

Pictures from Tibby's Beginner Obedience graduation.  This was pre-blog, pre-clicker and pre-agility craziness.  I knew she needed to get an education, but I didn't know how or what to do.

Not bad for a puppy :)

Tibby with one of her fans.  And my Mom said she didn't like dogs!  LOL!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Happy Gotcha Day Tibby. We bet Catty is soooooooo glad you came along to keep her in line!

Such an busy year you've had, girl.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

That Garden is HUGE now.

Sagira said...

Happy belated Gotcha day! :)