Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lesson and a Challenge

We had another lesson at Loretta's.  Tibby was such a stinker, but I learn a lot every time we go so, well little steps....
The equipment was set up on the side of the yard close to the sheep.  Yes it was distracting.  Sheep smells and baaing.   Also, the pheasant in the bushes may have been 'scary'.  Or the mooing cows miles away may have been unbelievably alien.  However, Tibby is also very manipulative.  At first, yup she was shy about the new location, smells, noises, but after 25 mins she was just being Tibby.  "Let's see....I can run away over here and then when I come back you will give me peanut butter, because you are so happy I came back.  Right?" 

When she felt like it she did a good job.  We even did 4 jumps in a row.  And one time she was even off leash  for the 4 jumps :)

Ok so anyway, the challenge.  Today I am starting the 100 Jumps Challenge.  Before the last day of August I will take Tibby and our mini jump to 100 new places.

Steps in the 100 Jumps Challenge
1. Get Tibby's attention
2. Do a couple tricks and give treats.
3. Have Tibby jump the jump (and give a treat!)

If she is scared shy of something: 
Take her up to the thing until she crouches her shoulders - shows she is nervous.
Turn around and leave.
Give a treat if Tibby follows me.
Go back closer to the thing.
Repeat above.
Do a trick near the thing.  And run around near the thing.
I want her to focus on me and when she is stressed turn to me.

P.S. Super distracting at Petsmart = a Siamese cat walking around on a long leash.  Maybe not a great idea to let it go around corners by itself.  Thank goodness Tibby licks likes cats.

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