Monday, August 29, 2011

Late Summer Hike - Part I

My Mom and Zoe's Mom are training for a race and they wanted to do sprints up and down hills.
Tibby and I tagged along. 

There they go!  They are tiny little dots.

Tibby can run too!

Catching their breaths and waiting for us to catch up.

They are off again.

It was the most beautiful day.  Perfect temp., little breeze and NO BUGS!

"Let's go into the forest!"

Here they come again.  Tibby doesn't care.  It was really good training for Tibby, because she learned that she doesn't always have to run when someone else is running.

Yes, it it true.  Minnesota is beautiful.

1 comment:

Kippy Marrie said...

Amei voce e o blog.
Tô seguindo.
Venha conhecer meu blog e ser minha amiga e seguir também.
Será um prazer. Amo ter amigos em todo o mundo.
Te espero com grande alegria.
Aus 1000 com amor do Brasil...