Wednesday, November 17, 2010



Kyjen Puzzle Plush Egg Babies Dog Toy, 5 Eggs
Kong Wubba Dog Toy, Colors VaryNatural Purrz Product Image

                              Enter to Win!
This is a giveaway for either a Kyjen Puzzle Egg Baby Platypus OR a Kong Wubba OR a 3.3 oz bag of Zuke's Natural Purrz cat treats.
Please leave a comment with your choice of prize.  Also, please make sure I can contact you by email if you win.


Bonus entry:  Tell me the name of your pet(s)!

Zuke's are Catty's favorite treats and Tibby loves the egg babies!

Giveaway open for entries from 11-18-10 to 11-25-10


Two Little Cavaliers said...

even though they are kitty treats we like the Zuke Salmon treats for cats.

Two Little Cavaliers said...

My dogs names are Davinia and Indiana they are Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Unknown said...

I'd like to enter to win the platypus for my TT, Oscar. He looks just like Tibby and we always joke that he looks like a platypus when he's lying down.

Unknown said...

Oooh that platypus looks like he needs a good wrestling partner. I'd give him a run for his money, I promise!

Fokxxy said...

I would love the Kyjen Puzzle Egg Baby Platypus!! Ok.. my dog would love it lol


Fokxxy said...

Bonus entry - My dog's name is Jack!



Andrea Kruse said...

I would love the Purrz treats for my kitty... *shhh* don't tell our puppy!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said...

My kitty is named Chloe and our new puppy is Cooper.
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Erin said...

That Kong Wubba looks really cool!

Erin said...

Our pets names are Erin & Buck

Erin said...

Gave your giveaway a Tweet here,

Corbin said...


Corbin said...

My name is Corbin, and I'm a dog :o)

Anonymous said...

Definitely the Platypus...SO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

Bonus Entry: Our dog is GUS!

Kim said...

ooh, so hard to decide... I guess the platypus!

Kim said...

Oh, the dogs are Banner and Fly, and the cat is Stripe. The sugar gliders are Lucy, Lenny and Jackpot :)

Rachel R. said...

My dog would love to win the Kong Wubba!

rstcere at gmail dot com

Rachel R. said...

Bonus: her name is Reese :)

rstcere at gmail dot com

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

Oooh I love the platypus!! That would be my choice :)

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

Bonus entry - I have Layla, a Malamute girl; Casey, a black Lab boy, and Mia, a black cat.

Anonymous said...

My dog would love a Kong Wubba!

Elyse and Riley

Anonymous said...

And my dog's name is Riley and she is an Australian Cattle Dog.

debbie said...

I would like the purrz cat treats.

debbie said...

I have a malamute named nanook, 3 siamese-trinity,neo and catkin, a gray and white tabby named patty.

Kristin G. said...

Thanks so much for entering my giveaway. I enjoyed your video. Your pets are lovely. We would like to enter for the Kyjen Puzzle Egg Baby Platypus. Thanks again!

Kristin G. said...

Bonus entry: My pets names are Roxie, Xander and Zoe. :)

Pam said...

The baby egg platypus is adorable!

melacan at hotmaild ot com

Pam said...

Q-tip is an English Bulldog.

melacan at hotmaild ot com

Sue said...

Wow, those are all great prizes. We'd like any of them.
Our names are Morgan, Tsar, Samba, Fudge, Tess, Sky, Lola, Bailey, Noah and Norma Jean. Eight of us are Portuguese Water Dogs and Morgan and Tsar are mixes.

Unknown said...

thanks for the awesome opp---oh they all look fun--kong toy probably as he loves tug war !!!

Unknown said...

my mini doxie is named Dante and he appreciates your giveaway!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that platypus is adorable!
My Dog's name is Dakota and he is a Sheltie
He would love to win that!

Lindsay said...

Cute pooch! My guys are big fans of the Kong Wubba. I've got Heffner and Bess, both great danes.:) Thanks for commenting on my blog!

Erin Lenore said...

I'd like the wubba.

Erin Lenore said...

My dog's name is Kaya and my cat's name is Moose.

Linda Kish said...

I would be happy with any of them, but I love the platypus.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

My dog is a 9 year old named puppy.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

bitt said...

Sienna loves the egg babies. So we'd go for the platypus.

bitt said...


Sienna-dog, pit bull
Ellie Mae--Chow mix,
Foucault--tabby cat

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Oh my gosh Tibby is so cute!!!! The Kong would be nice, but Tibby's face is the best!!

Marlowe said...

My dog Willow would love this kong wubba!
marloweopat at gmail dot com

Marlowe said...

I have two pets
Willow a Boston Terrier who loves lasers and
Martha a orange tabby, small in size but big in spirit!

marloweopat at gmail dot com

KimT said...

Platypus - if you could see CindyLu's favorite toy now, it's so tattered, stained and ripping. She loves stuffies! (email on blog) Following now :)

KimT said...

CindyLu! And Chester, Chandler, Rascal and Bo.

MurphyDog said...

we LOVE givaways! Thanks for stoppin by my bloggie & sayin hi!

my name's Murphy, & I live with 2 kitTONs...Fergie & Phoebe!

I think my favoritest choice would be the wubba!

wags, wiggles & slobbers

sandiego92116 at

Callie said...

I'd choose the platypus!

Callie said...

I have a 5 y/o dog named Mr. Mason. He's a bichon.

Unknown said...

we would totally love the Kyjen Puzzle Egg Baby Platypus, looks like alot of fun!!

Unknown said...

dogs are:
Fred - Bloodhound
Haylie - Choclate Lab

Cats are"
Ivan - blue russian
Nikita - siamese

Ashley Dewey said...

Bailey is a pomeranian shelter mix and Peanut is a min pin jack russel terrier mix. They are my super spoiled babies. They would love to play with the platapus!

humanecats said...

We'd like the cat treats please.

humanecats said...

My cats names are: Ferdi, Whiney, Wiley, Minifur,Romeo, Georgie, and Bonnie.

laughingfridge said...

My pups have sooo many toys already that I think I'd like to win those cat treats for my kitties

I'm owned by Hannah the adorable impish mini dachshund, Edgar Allen Pug, the psycho pug puppy, Lucy the tortoise shell kitty that purrs an purrs, and Big Boy Bob the all black lover kitty!
here's my blog too

Unknown said...

Aww We would love to win the cute Platypus toy Thanks so much
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I have a Beagle named Bailey and two cats, Bella and Gypsy
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

Robin Sallie said...

My puppy would like the Platypus. Her name is Via. She is a GSD puppy. I also have an adult GSD and a greyhound. RTSALLIE AT GMAIL DOT COM

USCGWifey said...

I'd pick the Kong Wubba!
uscgwifey at gmail dot com

USCGWifey said...

My dogs names are Dodger, Sassy and Cole! Oh, and we also have a fish that our 5 year old named Lippy Leap! lol
uscgwifey at gmail dot com

House of Carnivores said...

Hello! My dog would love the platypus! His name is Argos, a greyhound.

House of Carnivores said...

Bonus entry: My animals' names: Argos (greyhound), and Romeo, Charlotte, Annie & Bit (kitties)

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE the Duck Egg thingy that you told me about on that post. I could use a new toy. Mr. Tapus has gotten kinda lonely. :-) is my moms email. Hope we win!!

Anonymous said...

Bonus Entry!
My name is Simba! Woohoo! Contact us at thanks!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Love the Platypus! Oscar would go nuts!! (aka Sir Fetch A lot) Thank you for participating in the Holiday Blog Hop Giveaway.

pmj said...

The egg baby would be fun for my pets.

pmj said...

My dog's name is angus and my cat's name is sweetie.

Three Dog Days said...

Is it odd I would be so indecisive about which toy my dogs would want? The platypus looks like lots of fun, but they would destroy it too quickly. Guess I'd better go with the Kong! Thanks for inviting me to participate.

Elayne said...

My dogs would love a Kong wubba. Email is colliebrains at juno dot com

Elayne said...

Dog's names are Cody, Lola and Strummer.

Unknown said...

We would like the platypus. It looks cute and fun!

Unknown said...

My dogs name is Coco

Simply Stacie said...

3.3 oz bag of Zuke's Natural Purrz cat treats please!

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Simply Stacie said...

My cats are Princess and Mysty.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Kim L. said...

i love the platypus!! so cute!

kimberly.long at gmail dot com

Kim L. said...

my dogs are murph, max, and chloe!

ginnn7 said...

the platypus so cute my dog bella would love it. thanks


Cokie the Cat: Hollywood Insider said...

Hi! I'd like to win the Platypus!

Cokie the Cat: Hollywood Insider said...

And my cat's name is Cokie.

Minnie and Mack said...

The Kyjen Puzzle Egg is something new to us. It would be fun to having something new.

Minnie and Mack

kathy dot cooper at gmail dot com

Minnie and Mack said...

We have a housefull of pets:
Minnie the puggle
Mack the pug


Love, Minnie and Mack :)

steve said...

Decisions, decisions! Can I give by preference?
#1 would be the platypus because I do not know any other egg-laying, venomous, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal.
#2 would be the kong, because i love kongs and have never met one with multiple red tails.
Steve the yorkie

elaine r said...

I would choose the Kyjen Puzzle Egg Baby Platypus,I've never seen these before.

Elaine R

elaine r said...

My 2 dogs names are Heidi and Big Boy.

Elaine R

Crystal (Thompson) Barrera said...

That Platypus is stinking cute.

cryslea at comcast dot net

Crystal (Thompson) Barrera said...

My dog is Maisy. My cats are Malcolm and Nicky.

cryslea at comcast dot net

CindyWindy2003 said...

i want to win the Zuke's Natural Purrz cat treats. carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

CindyWindy2003 said...

their names are oreo and syvester, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

Erin @ CanadianGiveaways said...

My doxiepoo would go crazy for the platypus!

Erin @ CanadianGiveaways said...

I have 2 dogs:

Brodie is my 9 year old basenji
Dexter is my 2 year old doxie-poo (and yes he was named after the show!)

Janet W. said...

I would like the Platypus.

Janet W. said...

My daughter's dog's name is Runt.

Jennifer Herrington said...

I would love to win the Baby Platypus for my dog!

Jennifer Herrington said...

My dog's nickname is Teenie!

Lauren E said...

I love the Platypus! Ok, well I would love to see my dog play with the Platypus!

blink_gurl123 at hotmail dot com

Lauren E said...

My rescue Bull Terrier's name is Tazz!

Jeanette J said...

I know my little one would love to wrestle with the platypus.

Jeanette J said...

My miniature dachshund's name is Templeton

Unknown said...

Kong Wubba

Bouns: Dog's names
Sugar Kisses

cstironkat said...

I know my dog would like the Kyjen Puzzle Egg Baby Platypus, too cute.

cstironkat said...

My dogs names are Kouga and Milele.

MannaB said...

I would love the Platypus! My dog's names are Lusi, Max, and Star.

Diane said...

I would love the 3.3 oz bag of Zuke's Natural Purrz cat treats.

Diane said...

My cats names are Harley and Jewel

Laura H. said...

Thanks for participating in this blog hop and for the great giveaway! I would choose the cat treats.


Laura H. said...

My cat's name is Monty.


Sara said...

Working hard to get my dog Pixel to play with toys again I think she would really like the platypus!

Sara said...

My dogs names are Raster and Pixel!

katklaw777 said...

I luv the Kyjen Puzzle Egg Baby Platypus, thanks.
katklaw777 at yahoo dot com

katklaw777 said...

My pup in Barkley and his furry purry friends are Riki, Sassy and Annie...thanks for the great hop giveaway!