Friday, February 10, 2012

Agility Lesson Or Running Away Is Not An Option

I saw this car on the drive to our agility lesson today.  As usual I left early, but got stuck in rush hour traffic in St. Cloud.  Does that town ever NOT have rush hour???
Anyway I thought this car was funny, so I took a picture of it.
It's winking at me AND saying 'hey'!

This is Tibby on the drive home.  We had a fun lesson.  I may have had more fun than Tibby though!  I got to run Loretta's dog Klink.  Wooooo!  It was quite the ride.  She is fast.  I was afraid of her LOL!  When she would come flying out of a tunnel, my first reaction was RUN AWAY!  But I (mostly) didn't run away :)  I really liked practicing with her.  It was way easier to see how little things make a difference in handling.  I have a lot to work on, but after practicing with Loretta and Klink I understand exactly how to start doing it.  I find doing, SO much easier than just reading/seeing.  
 So I'm totally not ready for a Border Collie -  hee hee hee.  I wouldn't mind borrowing one, but I still love my flufferbuns best :)
Even if she runs away sometimes.  But she knows (now at least) that running away is not the right choice.  Playing is much more fun.  Tibby jumped a double jump today and at 16 inches.  No problem.  She has me totally wrapped around her furry paw.  I swear she knows how to do everything, but it pays better to pretend that she doesn't.

I took these pictures in the rear view mirror.  I thought it was kind of neat. 

Notice the close pin on Tibby's nose?  !!!!  It's actually on the crate!  Weird right?

Then at home we had a quiet evening of battling the fur monster.  3 hours (or so....) later Tibby is ready to go and get groomed tomorrow.  Pre-grooming for the grooming.  Yes, I am afraid of the groomer.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Amazing how much time you have in traffic to notice number plates, and bumper stickers!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Loretta Mueller said...

You BOTH did awesome!!! Klink says that you can run her ANYTIME! But, due to her little bratty-ness, I think Zip will be your helper next time ;-)

Diana said...

Lucky you that you get to take lessons from Loretta!!