Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Videos and Time

I realized I hadn't posted these 2 videos from our last last class, which was over a week ago.  Life has been getting in the way.  The weather is amazing - Tibby and I are back to our multiple walks a day.  Morning, after work and evening - more on week-ends.  There is endless yard work and garden projects I should be working on.   Family stuff has also been taking a lot of time.  Plus I'm starting to work full time hours.  Hopefully that doesn't last too long - I like my days off!  So after a long day on my feet, when I get home and after our walk, a few tricks are about all the training I have energy for.  Sorry Tibby :(

Someday we might get to do agility again.  Hopefully soon.  And a break is good every once in a while.

1 comment:

Helen said...

My Tucker always did better after a break, so it's not a bad thing at all.