Monday, October 8, 2012

Cracking the Tibby Nut

I think I may be figuring Tibby out.  Although I don't really have any idea WHAT she is telling me.  She doesn't want me to be excited?  She wants me to be far away from her?  She doesn't want me to move?  She wants to figure it out herself?  She wants to be rewarded with food and not a toy/play?

She's obviously enjoying herself - so that's great!

I'm open to any ideas or thoughts that you might have about this.

I started out really slowly and then asked for a few more obstacles as she was successful.  I even added some speed at the very end.  She did it all!

I'm glad that I let her tell me when she was ready to do agility again.  Maybe she doesn't feel any pressure now to play?  

The video below is the last time we did agility.  During the summer when we were out in the yard I would ask her if she wanted to do a jump or go through a tunnel and she declined every time.  Then suddenly now she wants to play again.

Whatever the reason I am happy she is happy!

1 comment:

Helen said...

Maybe she just needed some competition for your attention.